You can’t…

“You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need”-Rolling Stones

To have
teeth, white as fresh snow that bedazzles the eye, I want that expensive Sonic toothbrush

To have
the cleanest floor, one a Queen can eat off without plates, I want that Roomba


To have
the fittest body, tight in the right places and loose where it ought to be, I want that Equinox membership with a personal trainer

To have
the best frying pan, that distributes heat evenly across its radius, frying food to perfection, I want a Le Creuset Toughened Non-Stick Shallow Frying pan

To have
the best running shoes, that will propel my body forward, moving faster than any others running with mediocre shoes, I want the Nike Zoomx Vaporfly.   squareSole-Trees-usage-pictures-162.gif

To have
the best piano, whose strings would bring out the highs and lows of classical music, the best of my banging, I want  a Bösendorfer


I can have all I want in my mind
Because the money to buy the things I want
is not sitting on fluffy golden cushion in my bank account

At times, the want is not what I need.



Running reminds me of mom

As I’d leave for a training run she would open her door on the first floor and say, “Remember to trot!”.

I’m not sure if the term’trot’ felt more secure than her visioning me running. Trotting is safe, running, well… we won’t go there.

Unfortunately, I am not as graceful as a penguin or as fast as Usain Bolt.

In comparison to penguins, their trotting is far more graceful than mine.

In comparison to running, well, I’m definitely not him.

I think I’ll just stick with ME. Running, trotting, with mom’s memories and encouragement tucked inside my heart.

St. Jude or Running a Marathon to Raise Donations…

Hello Followers,

If you remember, last year I trained like a Banshee to run in the Brooklyn Rock n Roll Half Marathon. My first half and my intro in fundraising for St Jude.

I had hoped to do the same for 2018 but unfortunately the Brooklyn Rock n Roll Half Marathon was cancelled!!!

Ok. What to do now?   13466516_10209962306080030_2975883067454432056_n

Tie St Jude into my first ever TCS NYC Marathon!!!!

Long runs and tapering have begun along with the sweat and tears of wtheck am I doing?

I’m gonna run a marathon and with the help of the one and only HIM (yes the Episcopalian in me is speaking), I’ll make my way across that finish line.

I remembered griping about that ‘registration fee’ for the TCS Marathon and although I knew it was coming, it was hard to lay out the money when it was due. That being said, I would like to raise the entry fee (plus a bit more) for St Jude Hospital. 33020104_10216735804493257_7361619764055113728_n

My initial modest goal of $300 was reached and surpassed today by two very generous co workers! Thank you Peeps! Although the goal was reached, I’d like to continue to raise funds until November 4th- the day of the Marathon! I would gladly appreciate any amount donated, no matter how big or small  for I believe in the work this hospital does.

Here are some of their highlights:

  • Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food — because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.
  • Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to more than 80% since it opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude is working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90%, and they won’t stop until no child dies from cancer.

Please donate and help me give a bit back to St Jude in appreciation for being a wonderful support through my first 2018 Brooklyn Rock n Roll Half Marathon and most importantly for the kids and their families! 16864938_10212549332474073_1262931473686024038_n

Please use this link for donations:



Self-discipline  IMG_2564

-the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despittemptations to abandon it.

Yeah right.

Been trying to be ‘self-discipline’ for over 50 years and all I’m reaping with that discipline is sabotage of the self


-another term for self-esteem

Yeah right.

Taking a job that does not reward demanding work, excess hours spent completing projects and scrimps on overtime and still working there? Yep-that’s exactly why I make the yearly salary I do. Ups and downs of life living with depression can take a toll on self-worth leaving it defenseless against soul sucking predators who are everywhere, in every field.


running with a group, racing for my own personal gain can seriously stimulate that old self-worth and lord help the mofo who tries to mess with my self-worth when it’s fueled by natural endorphins. Yep.  You can mess with my salary but not my head.


 -absorbed in one’s own thoughts, activities or interest

Yeah right.

I’m so absorbed in my own thoughts, activities and interest that an impenetrable wall somehow was built around my heart without any funding or government interference. The joke was truly on me without my knowledge or participation.


confident on one’s own abilities or character

 Yeah right.

I was so self-assured on accepting a job that started me at 31k. Then realized how the scam management team operated and requested an increase to 37k. The work load increased and the only salary increases were to everyone else’s except mine.



-lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure

Yeah right.

Selfish is looking pretty good right now. Time to reel in the empathy and substitute it with apathy and concentrate on what matters most: me, myself and I.

Guess what?

Ain’t gonna happen.IMG_2560

The me, myself and I cares too deeply for the sentient beings who have no voice, are seen but not heard, are invisible until the rain falls and…

(So sorry,

this does not include the mosquitos.)

Those opportunist mini drones who thrive on the sucking and stealing blood from those who have not given consent or signed a waiver steer me towards…



On Running…or random acts of self-gloating.

Running, seriously keeps me in the moment, in the present, with thoughts dabbing tearfully at the past and  plans my hand enjoys squashing like a giant bug swatter dealing with the future.

The act of running,

Is not running…

It’s training to run. IMG_2504

Training is…

Humiliating, teaching one to be humble during a race as gastrointestinal issues make an unexpected appearance before hitting a porta potty. Once there, one recuperates, cursing the lack of tp and continues afterwards with the…

Training that becomes…

Humbling, when a cocky self assured self decides to run a ½ marathon without the training and ends up puking on the side of the running path. Once there, one recuperates cursing at not having the time to train and continues afterwards with the…

Training that inspires…

Aspirations which turn into goals and thus become accomplishments. Once there, one recuperates, cursing at not recognizing what the hard work was for and duh, reveling in the feely, good thingys not only felt but held close to the heart.IMG_2503

Well, those are my thoughts on running or random acts of self-gloating.

Not in Kansas anymore…or…AND, OR , BUT.

My running season goals of 2017 were:

  1. To be social and branch out of solely running Ppark (Prospect Park)
  2. Graduate from the 5k’s with the tee shirt award to the 10k’s with the tee shirts AND medal awards

Guess what?

Achieved, done, concluded, fulfilled, ended, over and done with!!IMG_2078

Goals are the wish lists we formulate and attempt to complete… OR…fail while doing so.


At times, staying in ‘Kansas’ may be the road block which caused the goal failure to begin with. Comfort-ability does have its snags… BUT… so does taking that initial step to ‘make it happen’ and tripping,  falling flat on your face and ending up in a hospital bed, thinking , ‘How the hell did that happen?’

Well, as John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.

And so it does…life happens.

The running goals for 2017 were not going to happen if I continued to run alone in Ppark doing the same thing, the same way, everyday. IMG_2079


It had to come so I joined a running group, paid the joiner’s fee with money borrowed and not paid back. This major shift gave the best results as my running goals were met as well as having social running buddies. Aspirations and new goals are up a notch for 2018 (God willing because we know he can be tricksy sometimes).


There are no AND, OR ,BUT to change. No excuses.

Just do it.IMG_2075




Curses and Blessings or Running around in Purgatory since Training is one step above Hell and one step down from Heaven…

Wowza, what a can opener of a title!


Titles ain’t nothing but a bunch of words struggling to rise to importance above the mediocre of other titles with a bunch of words struggling…

Okay. I stop.

In between days or rather in between jobs trying to figure out where to go from where I’ve been. Vet medicine is amazing when things go right, amazing when things go wrong, amazing.


When you work with people:

-who wear fur coats


– who abusively use anti barking shock collars on their dogs

– who state you are “too nice with the animals” when restraining

– who laugh at you trying to comfort an animal coming out of anesthesia

-who only croon over the ‘cute ones’ while the ugly ones continue to stress from fear due to neglect not only from the previous owners but now the vet staff

-who come in to work with the alcohol from last night on the breath stench

-who sip Irish whiskey while rounding


Okay. I stop.

Ruminating about the past, sours the moment of the present and surely delays the arrival of the future.


I return to Curses and Blessings, which have nothing to do with the career I once loved, now loathe and in the process of giving up, but to running.

Yes, running.

The one thing keeping me sane right now and out of this place.


Have you ever heard of a runner going postal on the supermarket line or better yet going postal waiting for the subway?  imgres

Running (interval running in my case) gives me endorphins which are free, and produced by my brain (your brain as well). Endorphins are pain reducers and create within the body a feeling akin to morphine.

Are Endorphins addictive?

Not sure.

Ask Eminem.

2017 is the year of the 10k and the ½ marathon races. A graduation from the 5k’s of 2016. I have yet to run a 10k, (April 9th is the first one) and the ½ marathon is not until October. Nevertheless, it is the year for transition and changes, literally and figuratively.

Now. Back to the title, the can opener which began this work of words.

While I run I listen to an eclectic bunch of music which I classify as Curses (sex, drugs, rnr, rehab and Led Zepplin (sigh) ) and blessings (chanting, Buddhism, Catholicism and Godspell-the musical) all within the scope of: opera, classical, disco, rap, rock (old school) new wave, county and so forth.

Take Led Zepplin. Curses or Blessings?

How about Buddhism chants? Curses or Blessings? (careful with your choice here)

I run.

Through transition and changes, figuratively and literally.

I run.


100% me…or Nothing better to do on a day off.



No hair straightener
No botox, silicone, tucks or lifts
Cutting MY own hair
Natural feet and hands- no polish
Natural tan
No umbrella needed-rain caresses my skin
No stress once the body hits the bed scented with lavender FullSizeRender
Natural high from endorphins after a great run ( gotta love those opioids)
Natural ability to feel, internalize and be empathic
Greens and fruit are the bulk of nutrition


Artificial ingredients:

The black  hair dye- whichever name brand’s on sale
Listerine -to freshen and decontaminate my mouth
Teeth whitener-because the past years of smoking have done their damage
Mascara-once used to make my tiny lashes longer, but now its sole purpose is the cover the grey on my lashes and eyebrows
Black eyeliner-because the 80’s refuse to dissipate just cause we’re in 2016
Lipstick-to cover MY pink lips which were once dark back in the day when I smoked
Deodorant-actually this should go under organic since it is a stone which lets the sweat come through but not the ordour
Sunscreen-not sure why I bother but hey…



Potato chips
Alcohol-although it is made from natural plants
Chicken nuggets-from Chinese take-out
Andy Capp’s Hot Fries



Mi alma (soul)
Mi corazon (heart)
Mi cuerpo
Mi vida
Homemade soap and shampoo made from shea butter and coconut milk



Active ingredients:

Playing piano
Animal nursing
Always learning and not taking knowledge for granted

Fur Babies medication in the foreground

I Would Do Anything for Love…

Yeah right!

Still single so how could I?


I would do anything for love when it comes to my fur babies.

I’m already doing it. My salary is theirs. Working for the  six animals in the household. Four require serious and not so serious medication while the other two are thriving.

Health report of the fur babies:

Tara-Habby-Queen Bae.

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Big E-Leader of the upstairs pack.





Fate-Fibrinous Anteriour Uveitis in both eyes-FIP suspect

Fate- 9 months

Pi Patel-aside from a career as a Mulberry model –possible liver cancer/dermatologic issues


Toby-cataract and liver issues


The caretakers:

Me-increased consumption in wine and trying to be a runner as well as trying to be a Buddhist,  trying to be an Episcopalian, while pretending to be a Catholic.



Mom, my mom-bitchin about the fur babies!


It’s all good.

At least, I keep telling myself, mantra style.

I’m gonna brag a bit.


Not brag about the restaurants I visited, the vacations I had, my PR running time or even the enormous amount of weight I lost.

I’m a gonna brag about the Furbabies.

The Furs.

Home Cooking:

Anti inflammatory recipe for Pi Patel and now Tobias thanks to my dear neighbour Karen!

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image 5

This is how they roll…in the house of course.

Tara-Habby’s throne

The Habby’s private bathroom and rooftop lounge

Private gym and library


Enough of the brag.


So. What say you?…

I am.

 I run.

I run intervals.


2 minutes running/1 minute walking for 4 miles as of now but maybe not next week.

So. What say you…?

Yeah, the naysayers are out there in full abundance. Saying stuff that has no use being said and that being said, they’re still saying stuff.

 “You’re not really running if you walk”

 “5k? Are you kidding me? That’s nothing!”

 “How can you run 3 miles without any training?”

This also includes the wonderful eye sweep of my body from head to toe and toe to head.


Since I’m way over society’s guidelines for skinny, how could I possibly run a 5k?

Whatever Biatches!

I am.

I run.

I run intervals.

I run up to 15 miles per week. I eat more calories than I burn off and it’s ok. I foam roll like I’m a muffin in the making even after running a 5k. Oh. Don’t need to foam roll after running so little miles?

Whatever Biatches!

It’s ok because it’s my ok, not yours.

My goal for 2016 is to run as many 5k’s (that’s 3.1 miles) as I could register for on a monthly basis. Some of those races are with NYC Runs and others are virtual races. Virtual meaning, I register for a race  linked with a charitable organization, run on my own, send in my results and collect my BLING! I aspire to run/walk a 10k then onto a half-marathon-13.1 miles.

But…for now I’m happy with the 5k’s.

Did I hear you say somethin’? Guess not.

I am.

I run.

I run intervals. 
