Big E and his sister Fate shared their lives with me and lived for 5 years with no detection of FIP.

Fate became lethargic, would not eat and was diagnosed with lymphoma as a result of FIP. A mass was detected near her heart and liver and pancreas contained cancer cells. Fate went over the Rainbow Bridge on June 9, 2020. Two days later her brother Big E had laboured breathing for two days. Upon examination it was determined he had fluid in his lungs as well as the same type of mass located near his heart as his sister. Although his lungs were drained of fluid he continued to have difficulty breathing. He joined his sister at the Rainbow Bridge on June 10 ,2020.

Winnie passed on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021. Isn’t it ironic on a day of thankfullness and gratitude my Winnie passed from a cancerous stomach tumour? She presented no signs of cancer just her usual nasal allergies. For seven years she brought so much comfort and happiness to my home. I miss my love shadow!

Death be not proud…

Fate McCalla-June 8, 2015-June 9, 2020

Big E McCalla-June 8, 2015-June 10, 2020

Winnie McCalla-April 13, 2015-November 25, 2021

Tara-Habby is the new addition to our household, we, who live in Park Slope, Brooklyn.  She is a she and a DSH (domestic short hair) feline Tabby who thinks she is a K-9 (canine). Living with two crazy mini-schnauzers has definitely caused numerous identity crisis episodes and now the kitty, whom should be a kitty acts more like a canine who does not wish to be a cat.

She was found at 2 months old on the streets, made her way to the clinic through a client who found her and was treated for intestinal parasites and rehabilitated into the ‘kitty who likes to be cuddled’ world.

Cuddling she did receive from me every time I worked at the clinic.  I cuddled her every chance I got-in the morning, during breaks, in between appointments (for which Dr. Q often reminded to wash my hands before entering the exam room).  Was she receptive? Kind of. She did lie still on my lap but it was more out of curiosity more than seeking affection.

My Sunday co-worker often commented on how she would become MY cat. I laughed at this, knowing it was not possible with my present living arrangement.


She did become MY cat or rather I became HER human as cats, unlike dogs are fiercely independent and cannot be owned by anyone. Dogs on the other hand are rather ignorant in this department. They will accept anyone owning them who brings food to the table. Or is this just my wishful thinking?






Tara-Habby 2yrs
Tara-Habby 2yrs

Another wonderful addition has been added to the household:

Introducing-Winnie (aka Winnie the kitten)

Winnie at 9 months
Winnie at 9 weeks

Winnie is an orange and white DSH who is nine weeks old.

She was rescued by a group of 3 FDNY guys who were riding in their truck behind a pick up van and witnessed her fall from the front of the hood unto a busy downtown Brooklyn avenue. They immediately stopped their firetruck and plucked her from a possible impending doom and rushed her into ‘the other place’ where I happened to be on shift.

Guess what?

After being examined by the VIC (veterinary in charge), with bloodwork and a FELV test (-), I decided she should not spend time alone and at the end of my shift, she made her way home with me on the 63 Bus.

She’s presently a foster but I’m not sure if  the name ‘foster’ will apply for long.

Winnie is officially in the household!!

Winnie-nine months
Winnie-nine months



Winnie 1yr
Winnie 1yr


Better than Bette Davis Eyes!
Better than Bette Davis Eyes!


The Habby
The Habby

Winnie (Winifred)

Them, those eyes...
Them, those eyes…



Together…at least for the pix


New Additions to the Household

Introducing my foster kittens whom I adopted:

Big E


Big E 4mths
Big E 4 mths

And his sister Fate

Fate 4 mths

Fate 4 mths


Fate- 9 months
Fate- 9 months
Big E- 9 months
Big E- 9 months

Major update time!!!

Introducing Madeline! One years old and a brat.

Madeline came to my home a week after Winifred passed.

A neighbour adopted Madeline and brought her into a household that was not ready for a feline.

Sadly the neighbour had to rehome Maddy and guess who was honoured to have her?


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