Happy Place…or …

Just the fog dancing in the tree tops
Just me alone with my mom’s traveling ashes 
doing what she always wanted me to do
I could sit on this porch and cry all day 
because it’s the easy thing to do
Only a few tear drops this time
Off to explore
I am my mother’s daughter


I forgot to take my meds today. Not just one but all three. Held a chicken in my arms, cradled a goat’s head in my hands and rub their bloated belly’s . Pet the donks until I was insane in the membrane and not once did one of them call me an ass. Reveled in horizontal bed meditation, rising at 6am. Packed way too much stuff, wrong clothes, computer, instead of simple clothing and a journal. I will miss this place and will (gw) return again. How wonderful to be around creatives who look at life to be lived instead of complaining and bitching about the gift of life. GW next time, I’ll be prepared to hike or run. This magical place allows me to be myself, en paz, without the need or want to impress others, only to be myself, raw, exposed and whole. The beauty of this was to be accepted by strangers who were not in a position to judge or label me or assume who and what I am based on limited perceptions of life. I miss my animals at home but relish the liberation to lie on a bed without fur flying in the air. I hear thunder rolling on the clouds where I sit, on this porch, as well as the voice of the river- flow, flowing, flowed. I feared rain would ruin the weekend here but the overcast skies and intermittent rain only enhanced the abundance of nature and it’s unique voice. Book and pen next time. 

*GW-God Willing
*en paz-in peace

Words down on paper…

Grief truly sucks.             

Grief truly sucks when dealing with cancer deaths.

Grief truly sucks when dealing with mental illness.

If mental illness is truly an illness why not start treating it as such. Provide the free health care and follow up as needed. Hire practitioners who are dealing with it themselves, who are empathic, and truly want to help those in their care. Not practitioners who are striving to meet their academic hours or just collecting a paycheck because they can. 

My friend from high school committed suicide in October, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died in a place far from his birthplace in Queens NY.

I met Steve in high school. An alternative high school in Long Island City, Queens which no longer exists. He strode into our theater class, nervous and with his sidekick Manny. They were Roosevelt Island boys and we didn’t know what to make of them. Were they rich, stuck up? One was white, the other Hispanic. They projected a world where money existed and yes, they were picked on at first but when their unique artistic oddities were discovered we knew, they were one of us.

My relationship with Steve often reminded me of an old married couple who stuck together because where else were they going to go. We argued playfully and I loved his hugs. He was incredibly affectionate and felt emotions deeply. Yes. He projected his male bravado well and although Sylvester Stallone was his idol, he was not afraid to feel. He along with Aimee, another friend, and myself formed a posse of love, hope, anger and whatever teenage angst was in the works. We hung out late until daylight beckoned, smoked drugs, heavily smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol like a dog thirsty from a romp in the summer heat. We were teenagers from a single mother, a sickly mother and mother and father who existed in another realm homes.

He was my friend. 

I’ve watched him cry, scream and curse at the gods. He watched me do the same except cursing at the gods.

Depression, Anxiety and Alcohol

Depression is dark and moody and there are levels to its impact on a delicate, empathic soul. Depression can be light, easily brushed away with a change in environment. It can be constricting and paralyzing, rendering one helpless and lying on the couch wrapped in a crocheted blanket. When it leaves one helpless, alcohol helps to aid in normality. Actually, it numbs. 

But why not take medication if you feel so down?

Oh yeah.

Anti-Depressant medication is the full-frontal cocktail. You start off playing the cocktail game. Switching back and forth between meds, gaining weight, losing weight, having fits of unhinged crying and at times sitting and staring at the boob tube. Once you reach the med that works it should be nirvana-but it is not. 

I once had a dual diagnosis: Alcohol and Depression.

Throw in guilt and it gets better.

I went to an out-patient rehab which thankfully my COBRA insurance covered. It was grueling and only dealt with the alcohol abuse but it worked for a time. I also met another rehabber who dealt with severe drug addiction-no problem with alcohol. We maintain contact on FB.

The medical bill was over $10,000, which did not include individual counseling, monthly psychiatrist. COBRA saved me, my dear friend had no insurance. 

After two years, alcohol can be problematic and my primary care physician treats my depression. Thankfully with the start of training the latter will go into deep remission. 

Steven’s two brothers committed suicide. He rarely talked about it. His sister was broken when he took his life as it likely opened up old scars. 

My high school friend hung himself. We argued on FB a year ago over his living in a depressed neighbourhood in Detroit. At the time I did not know he was homeless, possibly spent time in jail and was an addict. We stopped communicating. His move to New Orleans was a fresh start, to get back the old Steven, full of drive and dreams. Unfortunately, New Orleans was his last stop in his battle with demons. 

I learned of his passing two weeks before my Thanksgiving Retreat at Trinity. My happy place deep in nature and spirituality helped me to process his death. This was my second visit to Cornwall along with mom’s ashes.

I am also obsessed with the animals at the farm. Being around them brings peace and acceptance for myself. A self, society has a hard time dealing with as I don’t fit into the black, old woman box. Society does not have time to look at the nuances and I’m full of them.

Steven is finally at peace. 

Being Unprivileged in a Privileged World…or Being Privileged in an Unprivileged World

having no clue what it means to be privileged.

you damn well know your lane

having an easy path based on a phenotype

knowing where the colour lines begin and end

not moving out of the way while walking down a street

moving out of the way

the giver of condescending treatment based on speaking a language so well

the recipient of the condescending treatment because the language is not in line
with the King’s English or Castilian Spanish

knowing a promotion is inevitable because you are white, male, full of testosterone

knowing a promotion is not coming your way because you are black, female, lacking
in estrogen

having others bow down to your so called uniqueness, your identity at being
celebrated when once the outcast of society

having others skin up their noses because of your so called darkness, your identity
ostracized at not fitting core perceptions of what you should be

using your PHD in passive/aggressive tactics

raising your voice to drown out the passive/aggressive tactic

I am the unapologetically angry Black and Hispanic old woman who sure as hell does not speak the Kings’ English but loves to spell certain words the English way and an intelligent seasoned woman

I am the unapologetically angry Black and Hispanic intelligent and seasoned woman
who can claim both sides of her culture shamelessly and can proudly speak the little Honduran Spanish I know with a smile on MY face.

5 hours in the ER…or Trauma Unearthed (Part 1)

A visit to the local emergency room on a Wednesday night was not expected or wanted.

An earlier evening dental appointment where vitals were taken exposed a blood pressure and pulse reading that concerned the dentist and his assistant. Needless to say, it didn’t concern me as I started new anti-depression meds and was not exactly adherent to the ‘do not drink alcohol” label on the bottle.


I did not drink prior to the dental.  After the appointment, I went home, swallowed the pizza I bought on the way and fed the furs. That lil’ voice in the head, often ignored, nudged me to check my blood pressure.

165/110 pulse 119!!!


Got in a neighbourhood cab and $9 later sat in the emergency room at Methodist waiting for a doctor.

After two hours of sitting on a plastic grey chair that once may have been blue; playing Candy Crush while observing the homeless woman across from me sleeping, snoring, hunger rumble from her belly, I was called in. 

EKG/Blood Pressure monitoring and pulses oximeter.

My vitals were taken by a Haitian nurse who bragged about her scholarly accomplishments and frowned at my taking anti-depression meds. I was brought into the er amidst the beeping of vital machines, moaning, cursing, frazzled nurses, complacent doctors, and human congestion of the rush hour automobile kind.

Waiting and observing brought back the memory of numerous hours spent with mom, my mom in this same space. She was in hospice care at home but would frequent the er when her draining tube dislodged.

Anxiety, severe depression with the strongest need to scream.

My mom gave up her mental fight during the last visit to this er. Defeated over additional testing, she started to cry. There was no end to the treatments which brought no healing. A return to normalcy was not in her future. I sit with myself in bright fluorescent lights trying to block the memories. I felt so helpless then as I do now alone in sterile coldness, which only exacerbates the fragility of mí alma (my soul).

Nothing compares…

With high blood pressure and an elevated heart rate I was an outsider in the emergency room. 

I was an outsider inside a large room where homelessness mixed in and cememented with mental health issues. Mind you, I do have the mental health stuff but I’m also “medically managed” * for it.

Others are not. 

In the er, some were going through psychosis, strapped to their beds with heartless security guards sitting nearby. The er that night was a mental health facility over run by those seeking shelter from a cold/foodless night on the outside. 

This city, NYC, treats homelessness as the black elephant in the room whom city officials would love to sweep in the sewer. 

I applaud all the healthcare workers there that night who did their rounds and interacted to the best of their abilities with the fragile mental humans in front of them. 

*my primary care physician’s words

Twist on my sobriety…or Fragility of One’s Mental Health

The shootings
senseless killing of children, black grocery shoppers, a man riding on the subway for brunch in the city, all takes a toll. Why are automatic rifles necessary? Why are guns sold to eighteen year old boys?  

the naysayers, anti-maskers, hyper-vigilante mask wearers with the sanitizers. One day no mask requirements next day masks and six feet apart. What happens if I only maintain five? What happens if I lower my mask to drink from my water bottle? COVID!!!

I want to rise
rise above, step out the door, have hope and see the beauty in a horribly negative world filled with horribly negative people.  

My thoughts
are jumbled at times, racing up and down, sometimes round, wanting to settle but not able to sometimes, refusing to move or not motivated to do so. Sitting still, sitting terribly still.

My body
wants gratification found only in food of the lowest kind. The more, junkier, processed and artificially flavoured, the more my body craves. Each day brings a time for change and each day brings a time for more indulgence. 

is hard to retain when the world makes you want to space out for a while. Or rather you are not capable of dealing with the world so you choose to space out, be numb, inactive, inaccessible. 

not a word I use anymore as obliteration is more fitting. Luxury high rises are multiplying like fungi while the old buildings such as my elementary Catholic school are torn down or revamped into something new and trendy for the new neighbourhood, no longer my ‘hood. 

who have known me from a baby are now old with health issues and passing on. I am now that neighbour watching the new neighbors kids grow up.



My Mood in Roots…or Roots Of The Literal Kind

starts fresh each day
Waking up hopeful and open to the world

is not like the rhythmn of the four seasons
Changing routinely, overlapping rudely, not blending in softly

is prone to stagnate and fester 
Going this way and that, bloated with urine

at most is solitary
Moving through brown the dirt-Alone

is glorious, proud, ever expanding
Exploring, born again from experiences encounter

is comprised of tributaries, waterfalls, rivers, and streams
Flowing forth, clogging up, backing up, stuck then free, stuck

supports others giving, giving and giving
They blossom, while I am stunted and deprived 

absorbs negativity literally
Which entraps and degrades until…

… the negativity has been cut away
my roots exposed, naked and afraid

will continue forward
Towards the water, towards newness, towards growth

***All photos by EMcCalla

AF…or Can’t Stand Losing You

I LOVE Chardonnay
Lox and cream cheese
Chinese take out
Salt and vinegar potato chips

I LOVE Cabernet
Noodles and meatballs
BBQ take out
Pringles sour cream and chives

I LOVE Bourbon
French Fries
Chicken wings
French Fries
Chicken Wings

A cantankerous relationship we had
Through laughter, boredom and tears
Funerals, celebrations, observations and fears
I was there for you
You, here for me

My heart, loved both of you hard
But the spirit of grapes and fermented grain
Had me in regret and perpetual shame
As they never did love
LOVE, me for me

We carried on for many years
Met in the evenings and late afternoons
Then early morn before flowers bloomed IMG_1904.jpg
Love turned to hate
HATE, turned to dust

Said goodbye to you on the 1st of the month
Weeks amounted as days dissolved
And yet I held unto my resolve
No longer together we
WE, are not together

I am alone now as I’ve always been
As I was when I was with you
Though I believed it untrue
IMG_1909 copy.jpgFor how, could I be
Be, lonely, when we were

The Way We Were…Revised.

The way we are is no longer

as it has become the way we were.   13239981_10209784571076766_1160742976535298713_n

One day here next day not

the way we were was ever changing.

Changing in unexpectable ways

until it became the way I am.

Here today and gone tomorrow.

Fleeting bits of reality we wish didn’t exist but are here to stay.

Nowhere to run to, nowhere go to

we struggled to swim in what was then

only now the struggle to swim does not have you.

We swam in waters familiar, trusted and predictable.   10399703_1208262172476_2654700_n

the way we were then was in the present

and not the past as it is now.

October 7, 2018

will never be just another day,

another October,

another year,

for it was the day,

the way we were

ceased to be

and the way I am


without you.

My Mother’s Day…

Golden brown hands with fingers like branches on a Dogwood tree
Nails trimmed with a faded dark red manicure

I often held your hands with its naturally etched road map of 91 years
The roadmap which exposed the journey of your hands long before they changed my IMG_2847diapers

Your hands were always soft and smelled of lotion
Lotion I forgot to rub on your hands as you lay dying at home

Those beautiful hands also had the medals of small burn marks from the cooking you did
When the oil decided to rebel after water touched it surface

Your hands made the best food, the best tea, the Bestest, best ever BLT
Your hands grabbed onto mine when we walked through icy streets to do grocery shopping

Your hands also gave me the finger, when I got on your nerves
I miss your hands so much as much as I miss you

I have only pictures of those hands that once held me and made the world less scary