Words down on paper…

Grief truly sucks.             

Grief truly sucks when dealing with cancer deaths.

Grief truly sucks when dealing with mental illness.

If mental illness is truly an illness why not start treating it as such. Provide the free health care and follow up as needed. Hire practitioners who are dealing with it themselves, who are empathic, and truly want to help those in their care. Not practitioners who are striving to meet their academic hours or just collecting a paycheck because they can. 

My friend from high school committed suicide in October, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died in a place far from his birthplace in Queens NY.

I met Steve in high school. An alternative high school in Long Island City, Queens which no longer exists. He strode into our theater class, nervous and with his sidekick Manny. They were Roosevelt Island boys and we didn’t know what to make of them. Were they rich, stuck up? One was white, the other Hispanic. They projected a world where money existed and yes, they were picked on at first but when their unique artistic oddities were discovered we knew, they were one of us.

My relationship with Steve often reminded me of an old married couple who stuck together because where else were they going to go. We argued playfully and I loved his hugs. He was incredibly affectionate and felt emotions deeply. Yes. He projected his male bravado well and although Sylvester Stallone was his idol, he was not afraid to feel. He along with Aimee, another friend, and myself formed a posse of love, hope, anger and whatever teenage angst was in the works. We hung out late until daylight beckoned, smoked drugs, heavily smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol like a dog thirsty from a romp in the summer heat. We were teenagers from a single mother, a sickly mother and mother and father who existed in another realm homes.

He was my friend. 

I’ve watched him cry, scream and curse at the gods. He watched me do the same except cursing at the gods.

Depression, Anxiety and Alcohol

Depression is dark and moody and there are levels to its impact on a delicate, empathic soul. Depression can be light, easily brushed away with a change in environment. It can be constricting and paralyzing, rendering one helpless and lying on the couch wrapped in a crocheted blanket. When it leaves one helpless, alcohol helps to aid in normality. Actually, it numbs. 

But why not take medication if you feel so down?

Oh yeah.

Anti-Depressant medication is the full-frontal cocktail. You start off playing the cocktail game. Switching back and forth between meds, gaining weight, losing weight, having fits of unhinged crying and at times sitting and staring at the boob tube. Once you reach the med that works it should be nirvana-but it is not. 

I once had a dual diagnosis: Alcohol and Depression.

Throw in guilt and it gets better.

I went to an out-patient rehab which thankfully my COBRA insurance covered. It was grueling and only dealt with the alcohol abuse but it worked for a time. I also met another rehabber who dealt with severe drug addiction-no problem with alcohol. We maintain contact on FB.

The medical bill was over $10,000, which did not include individual counseling, monthly psychiatrist. COBRA saved me, my dear friend had no insurance. 

After two years, alcohol can be problematic and my primary care physician treats my depression. Thankfully with the start of training the latter will go into deep remission. 

Steven’s two brothers committed suicide. He rarely talked about it. His sister was broken when he took his life as it likely opened up old scars. 

My high school friend hung himself. We argued on FB a year ago over his living in a depressed neighbourhood in Detroit. At the time I did not know he was homeless, possibly spent time in jail and was an addict. We stopped communicating. His move to New Orleans was a fresh start, to get back the old Steven, full of drive and dreams. Unfortunately, New Orleans was his last stop in his battle with demons. 

I learned of his passing two weeks before my Thanksgiving Retreat at Trinity. My happy place deep in nature and spirituality helped me to process his death. This was my second visit to Cornwall along with mom’s ashes.

I am also obsessed with the animals at the farm. Being around them brings peace and acceptance for myself. A self, society has a hard time dealing with as I don’t fit into the black, old woman box. Society does not have time to look at the nuances and I’m full of them.

Steven is finally at peace. 

Spam I am…


The disgusting radioactive nitrate laden meat substitute 
my single mom working full time 
served with love and a pan-fried egg drenched in Mazola


Cooked in a small non-stick pan by
I, the latchkey kid to consume
after a vicious name calling day at Catholic school


Easy to open, cut into parts and thrown
into a pan of hot oil-how
the outside world treats a BLACK kid 


The adult me still craves it and cooks it
although it’s now cooked in olive oil
as mom passed on   


The consumption of this toxic delicacy is triggered by
childhood memories popping up time to time
along with mom working so hard


The packaging feels like steel protecting the 
soft meat inside 
like how mí alma prepares itself before stepping out…

 * mí alma-my soul

Twist on my sobriety…or Fragility of One’s Mental Health

The shootings
senseless killing of children, black grocery shoppers, a man riding on the subway for brunch in the city, all takes a toll. Why are automatic rifles necessary? Why are guns sold to eighteen year old boys?  

the naysayers, anti-maskers, hyper-vigilante mask wearers with the sanitizers. One day no mask requirements next day masks and six feet apart. What happens if I only maintain five? What happens if I lower my mask to drink from my water bottle? COVID!!!

I want to rise
rise above, step out the door, have hope and see the beauty in a horribly negative world filled with horribly negative people.  

My thoughts
are jumbled at times, racing up and down, sometimes round, wanting to settle but not able to sometimes, refusing to move or not motivated to do so. Sitting still, sitting terribly still.

My body
wants gratification found only in food of the lowest kind. The more, junkier, processed and artificially flavoured, the more my body craves. Each day brings a time for change and each day brings a time for more indulgence. 

is hard to retain when the world makes you want to space out for a while. Or rather you are not capable of dealing with the world so you choose to space out, be numb, inactive, inaccessible. 

not a word I use anymore as obliteration is more fitting. Luxury high rises are multiplying like fungi while the old buildings such as my elementary Catholic school are torn down or revamped into something new and trendy for the new neighbourhood, no longer my ‘hood. 

who have known me from a baby are now old with health issues and passing on. I am now that neighbour watching the new neighbors kids grow up.



Memory Box or…How Many Times Does The Word Memory Appear

My memories are stored in a Memory box located somewhere in mi alma (soul) and accessed through the head. It is not made of rose gold or lined with fancy crystals, no lock or combination to enter or exit. The Memory box is invisible as are the memories stored inside. Like all other boxes, there is a limit as to how much can be stored. In the case of the Memory box in which memories are thrown in haphazardly it can be trying when it comes to cleaning out the rubbish-what to keep, what is of no consequence and of course, there are the ones we would like to burn.

We all know what happens when we refuse to clean…

Memories are a tricky lot. Some are laments, regrets, pain, joy, happiness, and anger with a bit of mad tossed in. Memories have the ability to teach us lessons, that is, if we pay attention. Some try hard to forget them while others spend too much time in them, in the box, going through the clutter, ruminating over opportunities lost and not seeing opportunities gained. 

We all know what happens when the clutter wins…

I have 58 years of memories stacked in my box and the ones before 7 years of age are not accessible. Good memories are as fresh, vibrant as the day they happened, bad ones are fuzzy fading colours and trauma comes in stark black and white. Those are the ones you can’t throw out. They are there for keeps, reminding you of the space they take up when least expected. The trick is to confront them, waddle in them, bring them close, hug them tight, then let them go. They will still be in the box but the space they take up will not be so overwhelming.

We all know trauma is not good but if we acknowledge it, healing can occur…

***photos from the world wide web

My Mood in Roots…or Roots Of The Literal Kind

starts fresh each day
Waking up hopeful and open to the world

is not like the rhythmn of the four seasons
Changing routinely, overlapping rudely, not blending in softly

is prone to stagnate and fester 
Going this way and that, bloated with urine

at most is solitary
Moving through brown the dirt-Alone

is glorious, proud, ever expanding
Exploring, born again from experiences encounter

is comprised of tributaries, waterfalls, rivers, and streams
Flowing forth, clogging up, backing up, stuck then free, stuck

supports others giving, giving and giving
They blossom, while I am stunted and deprived 

absorbs negativity literally
Which entraps and degrades until…

… the negativity has been cut away
my roots exposed, naked and afraid

will continue forward
Towards the water, towards newness, towards growth

***All photos by EMcCalla

Some of the times…

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
It’s easy to get out of bed in the morning
enthusiastically hopeful for the best  
Celebrate a new day

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
It’s possible to eat healthy
wholesome food so the alma (soul) can
Rejoice from consumption of the blessed kind

Some of the times
It’s easy to breathe fresh air
when you open the windows of your heart and
Renew your world with fresh healing energy

Some of the times
Because we used to and I can’t
the gardener will clear out the overgrown weeds 
Clean the dirt, gravel, and slate

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
Rain thumping down 
on a hot humid day
Joyfully transports me to the Caribbean

Some of the times
The sound of Mr Softee 
unleashes the childhood memories 
Running wild and young in Brooklyn

Some of the times
The sound of Mr Softee 
unleashes the childhood memories 
Running wild and young in Brooklyn

Some of the times
Getting out of your head
and letting go of mind squatters
Radiates pure mind full filled

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
You want to whisper 
activating all your senses
Being alive in the present

Some of the times
The body cries in power
As strength takes hold and
Welcomes the eradication of toxins

Some of the times
Optimistic should be my first name
Followed by Hope as the middle
Ready Set Go as my last

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
A cardinal brings laughter
Especially when fighting with the sparrows and

Some of the times
I laugh so hard tears come to my eyes
in a moment of pure joy
Happy at just being happy

Photo by EMC

Some of the times
You pray to HIM
Asking and asking till you become an
Instrument of his peace


Photo by EMC

It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning
To begin a new day when you’d rather linger 
under the covers in the past

It’s impossible to eat healthy
When you have to prep and cook
and the corner bodega is…at the corner

It’s hard to breathe fresh air
When the windows are shut
holding in stale memories

The overgrown garden
Once tended by mom and you
should stay overgrown.

Rain really sucks
Thumping down cold
on my bare head

A mean and ugly person 
Takes up space in your brain
squatting, rent free

You want to scream so loud
Igniting car alarms up and down the block
but the scream is nothing but a whimper

The body cries for help
As a fat revolution takes hold
obliterating muscle in its path

Despair should be my first name
Followed by Anguish as a middle
Mourning as the last

A cardinal brings hope
Except when its fighting with the sparrows
and the sparrows win

You pray to HIM
Asking and asking
and never receiving

Photo by EMC

Intertwined…or No Drink

Isolated and the deaths of my felines, a brother and sister, two days apart was the ‘woke’ to my consumption of alcohol. What went from drinking after 5pm morphed into drinking at 10am. Half bottle of vino to full bottle. Full bottle thrown in as a chaser for bourbon. 

Bourbon and wine intertwined.

Sobriety literally began as one day at a time. One day drinking, one day not drinking, repeat for two weeks. Get the wine from around the corner, then go four blocks over for the bourbon. Next day wine from two blocks up to bourbon two down and four over. Then repeat every day, seven days a week.  “Silly rabbit…!” Buying one day reserves instead of a grate and handle make me a control drinker.

Bourbon and wine intertwined.

July 1st, 2020 arrived and no drink that day. Or the next, or the next. Reached out for help on week three of no drink. Completed a ninety day program of no drink. Met others who no drink and others who gave up and drank falling off the continuum of no drink.

Bourbon and wine no longer intertwined.

Three months, six months and now 9 months free. A mind not terribly wasted in a hangover pool brings hope to the present.  On occasion I’ll jaunt down memory lane in my mind to remember all the gains with no drink. The future is not for me to see. Hoping no drink will follow me.

Bourbon and wine no longer intertwined.

The glasses made to hold wine sit on the top, top, shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Shapes, colours, pieces of artwork not to be tossed. The bourbon glasses now hold plants swimming in water, toothbrushes and pastes of the human and greyhound kind.

Remnants of what once and is no longer. 

Faith…or Fate

Faith moves mountains
You often said when despair embraced me

Fate moves mountains
I often said as control is in another’s hand

Faith moves mountains
Through troubling times optimism was your shield

Fate moves mountains
Through troubling times alcohol was mine

Faith moves mountains
You believed in a God that would nurture and care

Fate moves mountains
I believed in a God that was cruel and malicious

Faith moves mountains
You rarely shed tears and if you did
they fell with a purpose

Fate moves mountains
I cried everyday 
angry tears driven by self-pity 

Faith moves mountains
Cancer came back for you
this time it latched on 
You cried once in the hospital
and I knew you knew
hope fought

Fate moves mountains
Cancer came back for you
I couldn’t pry it loose 
I cried as much as I drank
and you knew I knew
hope lost

*** It’s been three years since you drew breath. You were in my life for 54 years. I guess I’ll be mourning till the day I join you. I cry mostly mornings, when another day begins, without wine or bourbon. During the days I’ll smile as memories, come in and out, out and in. Looking forward to more smiles and fuzzy feelings when memories hit instead of pain and tears.

I love you mom, my mom.